Peale 22 tunni ja 22 minuti pikkust ujumismaratoni astus Priit Vehm kell 04:24 mandri peale. Lõpus on ta tempos järgi andnud, aga see on ka arusaadav, ujuda terve öö, külmas vees. Tema katusmus läks võrreldes Brunoga veel ju 3 tunni võrra pikemaks.
Super mehed.
Suured tänud kommenteerijatele, kes siin juba lähiriikide meediasse uudiseid paiskasid ja kõikidele teistele kaasaelajatele.
Priit Sa oled super, aga ega sa ise ei usu ju seda nagunii:-)
tõnu sul kirjaniku annet, ehk lisad selle kohta ka pisikese ümbertõlke?
Peale 22 tunni ja 22 minuti pikkust ujumismaratoni astus Priit Vehm kell 04:24 mandri peale. Lõpus on ta tempos järgi andnud, aga see on ka arusaadav, ujuda terve öö, külmas vees. Tema katusmus läks võrreldes Brunoga veel ju 3 tunni võrra pikemaks.
Super mehed.
suur suur kallistus Sulle Priit
TEGIJAD !! õnne enneolematu saavutuse puhul!
usumatu kui reibas ta välja näeb!!!
nüüd saab rahuliku südamega magama minna:)
Viimane versioon ingliskeelsest kokkuvõttest!
Epic swimming across the gulf of Finland
July 25th-26th, 2008 Porkkala (Finland) - Suurupi (Estonia)
On Friday, July 25th 2008 six Estonians undertook a long-distance open water swim across the gulf of Finland from Porkkala peninsula in Finland to Suurupi peninsula in Estonia with the total distance of 55 km (34.4 miles). The team consisted of five men and one woman. The swimming started at 6:02 am and after 19 hours and 13 minutes on the sea a swimming coach and veteran swimmer 34 years old Bruno Nopponen came into the land in Suurupi 01:13 am on Saturday, July26 th, 2008. The gulf was also successfully crossed by TV cameraman Priit Vehm, an amateur open water swimmer, who finished the course at 4:24 am after 22 hours and 22 minutes of swimming in below 20 degree Celsius waters.
Based on open water swimming blog by Henri Kaarma and Emeri Lepp (he reported event throughout the day) http://avaveeujumine.blogspot.com/ and on Estonian newsmedia.
Longer feature story follows:
On Friday, July 25th 2008 six Estonians undertook a long-distance swim across the gulf of Finland with the total distance of 55 km (around 34.4 miles). The team consisted of five men and one woman. The men were Bruno Nopponen, Priit Vehm, Henri Kaarma, Toomas Haggi, and Andrus Jaamul. The ladies were represented by Kinne Tõnnison. All team members, except Bruno Nopponen, are amateur swimmers. Bruno Nopponen has been competing in 50, 100, and 200 meter backstroke events. He has won Estonian championships in swimming 17 times and works currently as a swimming coach. However, for most of the team this is not first long-distance open water swimming endeavor.
On August 8th, 2007 Nopponen, Kaarma and Vehm swam downstream by the river Emajogi from second largest lake of Estonia called Vortsjarv to Tartu, the distance of 57 km. That long swim downstream took 11 hours. It was a success after the failed attempt year earlier. On July 12th, 2005 Priit Vehm scaled also the waters between mainland Estonia and island Hiiumaa, 26,4 km from Rohukula to Heltermaa. He also undertook swim from Rohukula to island Vormsi on 2004. Priit Vehm works as a professional TV cameraman on films and programs. Team member Henri Kaarma accomplished on August 6th, 2006 a 26.4 km marathon-swam from Rapperswil to Zürich in 7 hours and 22 minutes.
The swimmers started gulf crossing at 6:02 am (all times are Estonian Time= GMT +02:00) from Finland's Porkkala peninsula in Kirkkonummi (lat=59.965668, lon=24.392567). Initially planned start at 5:00 am was slightly delayed due to farewell interviews to Finnish TV channel Nelonen. The weather was one of the best this summer with clear skies, air temperature at the start around 17 degrees Celsius and water temperature in the gulf 17.7 degrees Celsius. During the day skies stayed cloudless, air temperature above 20 degrees and water temperature went up to 19 degrees. The wave height was projected to be up to 0.5 meters and slight (or rather non-existent) backwind from 2 to 4 meters. In short, it was almost perfect weather for such a swim.
Around noon the swimming was made more difficult by reaching the major crossing of shipping routes in the gulf and the waves created by passing vessels. At 00:16 pm, after 6 hours 16 minutes and 20 km into the distance Andrus Jaamul and Kinne Tõnnison abandoned the endeavor due to fatigue. At 6:00 pm after 12 hours and close to 32 km of swimming Toomas Haggi climbed into his supporting boat. At 19:17 fourth swimmer Henri Kaarma abandoned the attempt. Financial analyst Henri Kaarma was the only one who tried the course without fullbody swimsuit- calypso, dressed only in trunks and coated with Vaseline.
Somewhat expectedly Bruno Nopponen took the lead and raced ahead of others. Information update around 9:14 pm suggested he had just 11.8 km to go and swam with speed above 2km/hour. Priit Vehm had lower pace and was 17.2 km away from their goal at the Suurupi peninsula. 18 hours into the race, it was difficult for two men to keep their pace, and Bruno Nopponen seemed to consider the island Naissaar as an alternative destination, but his support crew encouraged him to carry on to the mainland.
Fortunately coastal waters helped Nopponen to pick up the speed. At 00:32 am on now July 26th, 2008 Bruno Nopponen was according to the crew of his support boat only 1.7 km from Estonian coast, while Priit Vehm had still 8.5 km to swim. His support crews reported that he had drifted from planned route to the East. Report around 01:00 am suggested Bruno Nopponen had just kilometer to go, while Priit Vehm was still 7 km away from dry land.
FINISH!!! At 01:15 am on Saturday, July 26th, 2008 swimming coach Bruno Nopponen came to the land in Suurupi peninsula Estonia (approximately lat=59.473200, lon=24.392316) . Priit Vehm had still 6.3 km to swim due to his lower pace and the unfortunate drift to the East. He was expected to finish around 03:30 am. At 02:00 he was 5 km from Estonian coast. At 03:10 am he had 2.5km to swim and was expected to finish by 4 am. He eventually came to land at 04:24 am after 22 hours and 22 minutes of swimming. Because of the drift and the course correction Priit Vehm presumably crossed the longest swimming distance during this long day’s journey into the next morning.
Thus, Bruno Nopponen became the first person to perform non-stop swimming across the gulf of Finland from Finnish mainland to mainland Estonia. On August 17th, 1931 Estonian Aleksander Laas also swam across. He started from Tallinn in Estonia, but due to the bad weather he made a stop on island Naissaar near Estonian coast. When the weather improved, he restarted from island around 02:00 am at night and after 23 hours of swimming came to land on a small island near Porkkala, very close to the place from which this team of six started.
Nopponen is by the way Finnish family name, suggesting that Estonian swimmer has some Finnish blood.
The photos of Bruno Nopponen right after coming to land can be seen from:
The photos of Priit Vehm right after coming to land can be seen from:
Courtesy of photos Emeri Lepp and Henri Kaarma
vägevalt panid ikka. super.
peab ikka võhma ja väga olema.
mis järgmiseks ette võtavad?
Vahvad poisid!!!
Olete teie vast alles kõvast puust!!!
Näha on et see on ka Eestist välja levinud mis on hea
Onneksi olkoon/Congratulations!
Uskomaton suoritus! Onnittelut toki myös keskeyttäneille hyvästä yrityksestä!
Unbeliavble achievement! Congratulations for the good try of course to you who didn´t make it all the way!
ürituse nimi peaks olema paadi järel ujumine.
ka prantsuse keeles uudis:
Deux Estoniens, Bruno Nopponen et Priit Vehm, ont réussi samedi la première traversée du golfe de Finlande à la nage, selon le site internet des organisateurs de la traversée.
Les deux nageurs ont commencé la traversée, longue de 55 km, à 06H02 (03H02 GMT) vendredi depuis le port finlandais de Porkkala. Le plus rapide a parcouru la distance en 19 heures et 13 minutes.
Le premier à atteindre la côte estonienne près du village de Suurupi a été Bruno Nopponen à 01H15 locales samedi (vendredi 22h15 GMT). Priiit Vehm est arrivé trois heures et 10 minutes plus tard.
Au total six Estoniens - cinq hommes et une femme - s'étaient présentés pour la tentative. Mais deux d'entre eux - dont la femme - y ont renoncé après six heures de nage tandis qu'un troisième a abandonné dans la soirée de vendredi.
Les nageurs étaient accompagnés par de petites embarcations dont les équipages ont transmis en direct le déroulement de la tentative pour les internautes estoniens sur le site www.metrotec.ee.
Le Golfe de Finlande n'avait jamais été traversé à la nage de part en part. Le 17 août 1931, l'Estonien Aleksander Laas l'avait partiellement traversé en parcourant 40 km à la nage entre l'île estonienne de Naissaare et une île finlandaise au large de Porkkala.
Depuis la dernière guerre mondiale et jusqu'en 1991, le golfe de Finlande était sous étroite surveillance. L'Estonie était sous occupation soviétique et les déplacements de sa population strictement contrôlés.
Hi Guys,
nice job. Is finally getting the attention here in Holland. See http://finlandsite.nl/finlandsite/finland/cms/news.php?extend.3927
Tõnu usinat tõlketööd kasutades panin ingliskeelse teksti pisukeste täpsustustega blogisse üles.
Jah, ilmselt nii see on
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